Marco Bardus

BardusDr. Marco Bardus is a post-doctoral researcher collaborating on the social media marketing strategy for EJO and organizing social media training courses for EJO editors. He holds a PhD in Communication Sciences obtained from the Università della Svizzera italiana under the supervision of Prof. L. Suzanne Suggs, with whom he still collaborates. His research interests span from health promotion to social marketing, behavior change theory to health communication through information and communication technologies and social media. He is also generally interested in science communication and understanding how health issues are portrayed in the media.

He is member of the European Communication and Research Association (ECREA), and the International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). He is actively involved in the European Social Marketing Association (ESMA), where he serves in the marketing and communications task group. In addition to his academic career, he has held positions in the journalism and PR sectors for about ten years as a collaborator, intern, and consultant. In 2008, he managed web content for the political campaigns of an Italian Member of the European Parliament and the Mayor of Udine (Italy). In 2007, he worked as a press office assistant at the Province of Gorizia (Italy), as a journalist intern for the news portal, and as a columnist for RES Magazine, the University of Udine’s (Italy) monthly magazine. He also worked as collaborator for the local newspaper Messaggero Veneto (Gruppo Espresso) and has been a member of the Italian Association of journalists as a “publicist” for the region Friuli Venezia Giulia since 2005.

Twitter: @marcobardus
Email: [email protected]

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